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BPL X-RAD 300 DR-1

BPL M-Rad 100 is a 100 mA, 100 PPS line frequency mobile X-ray solution that combines excellent manoeuvrability & user interface and is ideal for patient wards, intensive care, operating room etc., where transporting the patient to the Radiology department is difficult. Device comes with anatomical programming feature which ensures optimal radiation exposure based on the part being examined.


  • Powered by Advanced User friendly Operator Console with soft touch control of all radiographic parameters
  • State-of-the-art microcontroller to control various functions and features
  • Alphanumeric LCD Display (20X4 Characters)
  • User Configurable Anatomical Programming
  • 155 Anatomical Programs
  • Pre-Set Key for instant selection
  • Self-Diagnostic Program
  • X-Ray Counter with password protection
  • Memory to retain last selected factors
  • 40 to 100 kVp in steps of 2 kVp only
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  • 8 KW Output ; 100pps Freqency
  • 40 – 100KV
  • 25 – 100mA Range